
This comment is directed to Mr. Rupert Allman, executive producer at NPR's 1A. This used to be a very informative radio show. Former hosts, Diane Rehm and Joshua Johnson, would engage with their guests by asking thought-provoking questions. While that may have been the case today (11/11/2020), when the discussion centered around upcoming vaccines for COVID 19, it certainly was not the case the previous two days. This past Monday, the host did not engage with the guests by asking any question of substance. As a matter of fact, she just gave free rein to the guests. This is especially true of the female guest (an academic from a local state university) who dismiissed statements by the show's listeners regarding their assertions on moral compass. This is the kind of attitude that gives the acedeme a bad rap for snobbery. Unless there is a substantial change in the way the host is supposed to interact with the guests, I'm afraid 1A will not have too many listeners.

Workbench Page Type: 
Month and Year: 
November, 2020
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