Arthur Anti-Racism Episode

I am very, very disappointed that you are injecting propaganda into at least one program, Arthur. I thought we were into teaching children about kindness, sharing, relieving some of their anxiety about the dark, and strangers. To teach them that black people are being victimized is just disgusting. I am stopping any kind of money going to PBS, canceling any subscription that I have, and I will not allow my grandchildren that show and will monitor the other shows. It is unnecessary. I don't know if BLM is funding you. You've really crossed the line with this indoctrination, propaganda, and silliness. 

August 31, 2020
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September, 2020
Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and sharing your concerns about a recent episode of Arthur. CPB provides no funding support for the children’s series Arthur. The Corporation does not produce or distribute programming and is prohibited by law from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local stations.