Clarence Thomas--in His Own Words

I can't fathom the one-sided piece of blatant advertising for Clarence Thomas, that you decided to broadcast. What an awful joke.....especially in the time of Trump. The Koch brothers fund it, get a conservative ideologue to write, produce and direct it. Wow. Then YOU show it? It's shameful. You have sunk to a new low, PBS. One thing is for sure---it's in HIS WORDS, alright!! (And his wife's). Nobody else 'good' enough to interview ABOUT Thomas? No one on the side who had a few things to say about him? Ah, that would have introduced an element of TRUTH to it, that I'm sure the production just couldn't risk. What a piece of whitewashing mythology. How offensive that you allow the undermining marginalization of Anita Hill, through honoring this hack, in this kind of way.

Ridiculously sappy music underneath misty lakes and folksy RV crossing the countryside, and Thomas looking wistfully up at his grandfather's bust, for inspiration. Ugh. Ack. Oh dear, you've made me question you soooooo.....CPB. One of your low points for certain~~and it lowers us all.

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May, 2020
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