Classical music at KVOD

The repetition of oldies but goodies on KVOD, particularly during fund-raising, turns me off any longer...literally. Whenever Vivaldi's Four Seasons comes on air, I turn off. The same applies to the god-awful John Williams junk, trash Hollywood movie soundtracks, CPR promos, the interminable testimonials and fund-raising spiels, and corporate/capitalist advertisements. Even the repetitious playing of many of my long-time favorites, i.e. The Moldau; all of Smetana's, Rimsky-Korsakov's and Dvoraks's music; Karelia Suite (parts thereof); Peer Gynt suites (parts thereof); L'Arlesienne suites (parts thereof); not to mention the interminable excerpts from Carmen, and I either ignore them or turn off. When I return to on-air KVOD...often any longer seemingly relegated to algorithmic becoming problematic. I have tons of recorded folk and popular music from the Balkans, Germany, France, Scandinavia, and the Celtic/Gaelic nations, plus a large collection of classical music. Increasingly, I don't need KVOD...and I am sorry to have to say that since I have been a constant listener to the station, in its various incarnations, since the mid-1960s. Due to the slanted extreme right-wing political content of both NPR and CPR (I refuse to have anything to do with these outfits), I will not contribute to KVOD in any way, as long as the station licenses have any association...corporate or otherwise...with those networks.

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May, 2020
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