Democratic Convention: Freedom on Disp[ay

I was saddened to watch PBS last night, well after the Demo convention started. And all I saw was your tallking heads. Reminds me of watching a basketball game and having talking total nonsense, and making it very obvious they are not even watching the game. That what I saw last evening. Your talking heads are as dumb as the rest of us, but paid more. I find them uninteresting, aged and tired. We need to have a public broadcast system that just shows the news, and does not bend the forces of the monied class. You always state that the BBC is your model. However that media is also nonsense. Just a continued exhibit of the loving, ruling class. Big houses/Small brains. Try to do better. Do not comment on the event. Broadcast event. Do not replay 40 year old BBC content. Broadcast contemporary plays. Broadway is dead now. Use some of your cash to get one stage up and running. We do not need a cast of thousands. Many very good content can be result with just few actors. A stream such as Britbox is just ruining your reason for dumping ancient BBC junk down the PBS tube. How about live broadcasts from the Supreme Court. Congressional Hearings. Reports from the CDC. I judge that PBS has moved into the junk status, a grand idea, but not a grand outcome. Just show the convention. We can make up our own minds.

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Month and Year: 
August, 2020
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