Editorial Concerns

I thought this was a 24-hour telephone line. I don't know how much public money is going into public broadcasting, but my father would be 92 years old and he helped build PBS in several states. It is appalling and absurd to watch Judy Woodruff and Yamiche. I'm filing an FOIA request and it's going to the public broadcasting company where I live and its going into Washington DC. You people think you can get away with trying to hide what you are. It's sickening to watch that people put money into public broadcasting. You take people's money and they're so stupid that they don't understand what you are. I am going to get to the bottom of what you people are tying to do. Taking public money and pushing an agenda. Most of it is lies and crap. I will go on any program and I will debate that old windbag Woodruff and the rest of those clowns are all liberals. That is what they are. I will being filing major FOIA requests. If I don't get an answer in thirty days I will be going to my Congressman and my Senator to find out why public money is going to push this agenda of these radical, nutcase, leftwing Democrats. 

August 25, 2020 17026959043
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August, 2020
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