Finding Your Roots

If I have to hear Henry Louis Gates ask the question one more time “ how do you feel about that.” I am going to scream. I am tired of the fact that this program always target the ancestors who were slave holders, or who had mixed race roots most probably due to rape, to the exclusion of all other ancestors that could be researched and discussed on the program. This show is not about genealogy but is about the mission of Henry Louis Gates and I am sick and tired of it. As a genealogist, this program has become very tiresome and I may never watch it again. The way you let Gates engineer this show is turning myself and my fellow genealogists off. If tax dollars are being used for this show, then there needs to be a better balance. The show with Pharrell Williams was the worst. Stop playing politics with this show.

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Month and Year: 
February, 2021
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