It's good to be the king

There was the wh produced production for the ...spirit of the season was curious for several reasons including joe and Jill as only in person audience? No hunter, Ashley, James, whomever. It seemed like the only group not included in performers, asians. The two male performers with aviation frames, and the he one performer wore a black garment and was oversized. From room to room and the different acts. So a country singer included for a season spirit song makes up for the gaps in the artists and content. No Michael buble for sample. And the honoring of public safety, military, etc, and jll speaks, as joe looked ...presidential.. and with few actual words. The persons that were killed at bagram and victims of drone strike were included. And joe spoke with seasons greetings only hours after a completely different tone to his words . Again, the sole presence of joe and Jill to be on camera and present for performers? The handlers put on the wh production, and more than one take to get the proper sincere tone and no gaffs? The fact that there are more to come, and the things he, administration, and democrats can do? Success here too is subject to definition. The inflation, higher costs, plus, and the divisiveness that is so present, and the course we are on.
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December, 2021