I've been a listener of KPBS since the late 90's. I've appreciated the programming and even agreed with the 'liberal bias,' and when I didn't, I thought that at least KPBS tried to present both sides. I'm no longer of that opinion. After the Trump presidency something happened to the reporting, it started becoming more partisan. To a degree, I think it was a natural reaction to Trump's presidency. But then the George Floyd murder came and KPBS broke. It's reporting fully adopted what Wesley Yang dubbed the "successor ideology." In other words, KPBS went full "woke" and started incessantly analysing everything through identity. At this point, when it comes to any topics related to identity politics, I consider KPBS a biased promoter of this ideology. While even a few years ago I would have been a fierce defender of this news station, I would now support eliminating public funding for it alltogether, as it no longer tries to provide unbiased news. A public news station should be providing facts not pushing an ideological agenda, by selectively reporting only certain view points. It should especially not be pushing an agenda that pits different groups of Americans against one another or vilifies large groups of people based on this skin color, sex or EVEN political affiliation. I don't think I can ever forgive you. Nothing short of multiple apologies to the American people would suffice. And a return to reporting that respects all groups of the American people. And I will save you the trouble: Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and PBS are separate and independent organizations.CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial or programming decisions. Please contact PBS directly at
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October, 2021