Magazine announcements, programming, repeats, etc.

1. The magazine shows photos/descriptions for the same program up to 3 or 4 times per issue. Why all the repetition, when it could instead inform readers by showing photos/descriptions of other programs that have no photo-desceiptions? 2. It's annoying to watch a program advertised and listed in the magazine and it turns out to be yet another repeated series. It would be helpful if the magazine indicated which programs are repeats!! 3. Too often, a series starts with episode 2, 3, or 4, etc. This is extremely irritating, and I've stopped thinking I simply missed it in earlier announcements/listings. I hunt endlessly for the earlier episodes and find them only for sale through my Comcast information. 4. I used to have Passport. However, besides being annoyingly difficult to navigate and find something, I watched 7 of 8 episodes of a program only to find episode 8 not there!! I was told when I called about it, that it might have been a mistake, and I could watch episode 8 when it aired a couple of months later. Not satisfactory!!!! So I dropped Passport. 5. I'm donating less and less to TPT because of these issues, and turning finally to Netflix, which is far superior so far, and when it isn't, I'll try Hulu. Sincerely, a dissatisfied TPT viewer, Jane Dugan, Mpls, MN

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Month and Year: 
July, 2022
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