March 29 2023 News hour

Your segment on Medicaid very nice idea,. Tell me, find out about Medicare and the Lack of Dental Care. I have an appointment with an oral surgeon July 24. 2023. This is my evaluation for what should be done but can i afford these procedures? NO. They have an Opt OUT on any Medicare plans of which I have. So on the advise of my dentist they told me to get Delta Dental insurance. So I did, it will cost me $50 dollars a month of which I still need to pay approximately $3000.0 dollars out of pocket. I do not have close to that amount, pretty sad. I have called and emailed Senator Sanders officer a State Representative, Age Well and many others. I am told to call Legal Aid I called but they offer no options . I hear NO every lead. Can you report on that the USA does not help Seniors with help with any dental, oral surgeon in the elite status cost are extremely high. I have worked since I was 16 years old now I am 67 years old and am afraid. I went to college got my degree in Radiology worked 21 years until I was injured. Had to have surgery of my cervical spine, a fusion. First time the surgeon failed good thing I ask to see the surgery notes. I read that it was not fused so I needed another surgery. Very difficult, Prior to that fiasco I raised two boys working in Radiology. They both have Masters degrees. I would like to know where I can get help for the oral surgery. Is it possible that if you read this that with more experience as to we’re and how to get financial help . It truly should not be like this as dental health can be preventive as it can stop infections from tooth to brain via the infection area. I have half a tooth I imbedded in my gum and hope for not an infection. Very scared. Medicaid is a very good. Medicare for seniors not so much. I should have been more acutely aware of finance's. Thank you Sincerly Margaret Mousseau Middlebury, VT
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March, 2023