Molly of Denali Racism

For the first time, I saw an episode of Molly of Denali the other night with my 7 year old. I was absolutely appalled at the blatant racism in that episode. An episode meant to "teach" children not to stereotype and make condescending comments toward a race did exactly that. If the way we teach children to be less racist is to teach stereotyping, then I'm confused as to how you think this kind of programming is working.

So let me explain what I saw. Two ultra white guys come in, known as "the Tourists" and suddenly they're making comments to the kids about not looking very native, suggesting that they should have native clothing on and in a round about way questioning whether the mom as a woman is capable of flying them around on a touring trip. At the end of the show, the white guys apologize. Now anyone with half an understanding of racism sees that this is the narrative constantly being painted by the media. Get the white guy to apologize. They're ignorant.

But let me ask a question, what happens to kids who have a native mom and a white dad? Are they to be ashamed of their white dad? I mean he must not be so racist to have married a native women? Have you thought about the psychology around this in terms of how confusing this can be to a mixed race child? Are they supposed to pick a side? This is wrong on so many levels.

Secondly, could two black Americans not have walked in and been equally as "ignorant" as these white guys? Are you assuming that every other race besides white guys would be more "aware" and less "racist". You kid yourselves to think that all races don't stereotype. I've seen black Americans insult first generations Africans. Let's not put other races on a more racially aware pedestal.

I saw right through this episode. I explained to my children how racist this episode was and that it was the wrong way to teach appreciation for other cultures. Thank you for showing children exactly the fact that this is an agenda not laced in real concern for cultural appreciation. Thank you for making my kids feel like their daddy who has been many places in the world and has worked with many different cultures is a white male full of racist tendencies and uncertain of how to respect other cultures.

Good job on furthering the racist divide.

I would love to hear from someone on this because this is very damaging psychology laced in a cutesy children's program.

Heather L.

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Month and Year: 
November, 2021
Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) with your concerns about a recent episode of Molly of Denali. We greatly appreciate your feedback. Because CPB does not produce or distribute programming and is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming, we forwarded your input to the producers of Molly of Denali. We also submitted your comment to PBS Audience Services, which reviews and responds to public feedback about PBS content, and which can also be reached via Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts