Npr news hour est 6 pm 02/25/2020

In today’s news lead by Judy. Once again mis information and biased against Hindus in India was reported in today’s news of Feburary 25 2020 This time the violence in New Delhi India is been mentioned as “Hindu mobs “ causing the riots . While it’s the Muslim mobs rioting from several days. I have been followingNPR from the last 18 years but these last few years NPR has been reporting misleading news creating an anti Hindu bias. Clearly this trend has been increasing more as Muslim news readers / reporters have started joining NPR. It’s unfortunate to see that this once unbiased news channel has been reporting biased news in this era of mis information This behavior is never professional No wonder many of the Indian origin members stopped following your news organization after Kashmir misinformation

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Month and Year: 
February, 2020
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