Odd Squad Language

My family are avid PBS viewers of you children's programming, for reference my children are 6 year old twins. We have been watching PBS since they were toddlers with Sesame Street and Daniel Tiger. My son loves Odd Squad. Odd squad based on your ratings is for children 5-8. I have begun to question whether or not some of the content is appropriate for any child in that age range. Some of the language and situations being portrayed are a little older than this age group. What prompted me to write this complaint is a phrase my son has come across from one of the agents. This is just one example but it was my proverbial straw, Agent O'Donahue says "Gag me with a spoon". To most adults this is an innocuous phrase but to an impressionable 6 year old who all but worships the characters of Odd Squad it has lead to some issues at home and school. I am highly disappointed in the writers of this children's show and are out of touch with what appropriate language is for a 5-8 yr old. The development of a 5 yr old and an 8 yr old are entirely different and what is appropriate for one is not for the other. We will no longer be watching Odd Squad in our home and I will scrutinize other PBS kids shows from this point on.
New York
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Month and Year: 
May, 2023