I keep reading your responses to complaints about the news show bias, in which you consistently pass the buck to someone else on grounds that you have no power to do anything about them. If you don't have any power over the content of the shows despite funding them, what exactly do you do?

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April, 2020
CPB promotes the growth and development of public media in communities throughout the country by providing most of its funding directly to local public broadcasting stations (both TV and radio), as well as the Independent Television Service (ITVS), and five minority program consortia, which represent African American, Latino, Asian American, Native American, and Pacific Islander television producers. CPB itself produces no programming, but helps support the production of broadcast programs and other services for multiple digital platforms by thousands of producers and production companies throughout the country. CPB, PBS, and NPR are independent of each other and of the local public television and radio stations across the country. CPB neither owns, operates, nor controls broadcast stations. To learn more about the Corporation for Public Broadcasting please visit: http://cpb.org/aboutcpb/.