PBS News Hour

Why do you keep lying? It is bad enough that we have to pay taxes to support a left-wing group. This woman Breonna Taylor.. The Attorney General for Kentucky went through the facts from the grand jury, not from a police internal report that you view as skewed. The guy that shot the cops admits that he shot first. The cops returned fire. It was not a no-knock warrant. You keep repeating that no-knock warrant mantra over and over. You just let these things go and you don't challenge it when you get people you're interviewing that lie. You don't question them. You don't bring up the other side. You don't bring up independent facts. This Breonna thing is turning into a riot now because people are operating under a bunch of false assumptions - that it was a no-knock warrant. The paperwork did not say that. The paperwork said that it was a knock and announce warrant and there were independent people that were not related to the police that corroborated that they heard the police. You guys enjoy putting fuel on the fire. People die and get injured because of it. There's blood on your hands. You do it for your liberal agenda and to stir up interest in your show. It's disgusting. 

September 24, 2020
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October, 2020
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