PBS NewsHour

The MacNeil-Lehrer Report was a shiny city on the hill of the TV news wasteland. They would devote each show to a single topic, with opposing advocates being interviewed together. Robert MacNeil and Jim Lehrer did not tell us what to think. They trusted the viewers to listen to both sides of the issue and make up their own minds.

When Judy Woodruff took over the show, renamed as the PBS NewsHour, she destroyed the show. On virtually every issue, only one side is presented, the left-wing side. For the Friday weekly roundtable, they hired fake-conservative Jonathan Capehart as the counterpart to liberal David Brooks. Instead of offering conservative rebuttals to Brooks, Capehart seems to always agree with Brooks.

Workbench Page Type: 
Month and Year: 
January, 2023
Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Although CPB does not produce programming or employ journalists, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. PBS NewsHour chief correspondent Amna Nawaz and chief Washington correspondent and PBS News Weekend anchor Geoff Bennett have succeeded Judy Woodruff as co-anchors on PBS Newshour on Monday, January 2, 2023. https://www.cpb.org/pressroom/Amna-Nawaz-and-Geoff-Bennett-Named-Co-Anchors-PBS-NewsHour Your feedback will have more weight if you contact PBS NewsHour directly: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/about/contact-us