PBS NewsHour incorrectly bad quotes Republicans to attack republicans (proof)

Tonights episode is rhe final nail in the coffin for your unlegit reporting. Tonight's episode Nov. 18, 2020 has an obviously bad misquote all to attack republicans, and I can prove it is still up on youtube!

In the report called (Trump's dismissal of Christopher Krebs sraws widespread criticism) you PURPOSELY MISQUOTE a republican senator!

Proof At the misquote if you pause at 3:35, The misquote text and biased narrative you push at PBS Newshour is, again, wrong as usual, so wrong...because AS HE TALKS IT ON AUDIO HE ACTUALLY DISAGREES!

You misquoted him saying this on your video, "the irony is we really did a much better job in 2018 and 2020"

That IS NOT what he says, clearly on my 50 inch HDTV fullscreen loud 100 volume, he ACTUALLY SAYS: "the irony is WE HAVE really DONE a much better job in 2018 than in 2020"

Listen, and correct your pathetically biased mistake.

And yes, your obvious bias and hiding truth in the youtube comments by disabling comments proves you all are pushing a biased and untransparent agenda.

Get real, you are being watched and prepare for lawsuits, your bias has been showing a while ... bye bye nonprofit status, PBS!

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Month and Year: 
November, 2020
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