PBS Newshour

I’ve been watching PBS News Hour for many years. Many of my friends and family have stopped watching because they believe it only airs one side politically but I refused to listen until tonight. It saddens me to see the bias so clearly. I live in Oregon and have been following the events in Portland closely. I can’t understand how all four of the reporters got the story wrong in such a identical way. It is widely understood by people living in the Portland area that there are two separate events going on. There are the demonstrators who know to go home sometime after dark because they know the night shift comes on around 11:00pm. The night shift are the rioters. Also Mayor Wheeler in an interview stated he didn’t want federal law enforcement to leave. He just wants them to stay inside the Justice Building. This is very different from this evenings report. The only explanation is that PBS News Hour was pushing a narrative. I will not watch again.

Workbench Page Type: 
Month and Year: 
July, 2020
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