
I believe in public Television. We’ve contributed in the past. However lately your programming is really bad, All this dark and hopeless murder garbage, one after the other! Incredibly depressing. Then there are these pointless repetitive series that disappear after 3 episodes because they don’t get traction. How many times in a row can you show the same Father Brown? As a musician, I have to say you ignore jazz and more serious and modern forms of music. Austin City Limits has become laughable. Lawrence Welk, really? Every time you want money you show the same tired old rock and soul over and over again. Now you’re pushing these idiot new age gurus which are ridiculous. I guess yet another excuse for showing Downton Abbey is coming right? You need to modernize and live up to the values you claim to have. At the moment I’m finding less reason to watch you.

North Carolina
Workbench Page Type: 
Month and Year: 
December, 2020
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