Right when Donald j Trump became president

My friend and I both witnessed this incident and could even take a polygraph test if we had to to prove to everybody in the world is just really happened when it happened and possibly why it happened when Donald j Trump became president my name is Dan and my friend's name is Bill I had a crucifix that belong to my grandmother that in all the years nothing ever happened to it then he got passed to my father and then passed to me when Donald j Trump became president the hands of Christ literally broke off one at a time in a monthly formation then the arms did the shavings of Christ went from being a tone colored to solid white a month later his body fell off the cross the Lord Jesus Christ then when my friend and I were saying the Lord's prayer one day the crucifix blew up and the bottle of holy water flew against the wall like a bolt of lightning all of this happened when Donald j Trump first became president now I don't know why this had happened but it makes me wonder they're obviously was a reason why it happened and is this information wanted to be passed on to the media and if they want to contact me back they can do so at 9:47 South Monaco Parkway Denver Colorado 80224 this is an incident that when it happened it was right before Donald j Trump became president I want to say before but I want to say before and during because it was right at the very beginning my friend and I would be more than willing to take a polygraph test as I said to prove that what I'm saying is true and that if anybody out there wants this message gets out is able to reveal what the possibilities for why this happened it would be terrific but it's really making me wonder because now he wants to go back into presidency I'm not insinuating that he's the Antichrist but it's making me wonder why all of this happened because it was obviously for a reason and it is the truth the whole truth and nothing but so feel free to drop me a card for something in the mail to the address I provided and only for security reasons I'm letting you know that that's why I only gave the address because we would be keeping an eye on any and all that tried to do anything if they did that's why no phone number was given but if when you sent a letter can you send information that would be very beneficial to me getting a hold of certain people please feel free to do so I think everybody in the world should know what happened with that crucifix when it happened and possibly after enough people hear about it they may be able to figure out why it happens but it really did so please take what I said seriously and get back with me and I will get back with you God bless you all God Bless America!
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Month and Year: 
August, 2022