Shields & Brooks

I really miss Mark Shields and David Brooks' commentary this year during the debates. I hope you will be bringing them back for election coverage and commentary. I am a (former) long time Republican who could not check the box for Trump in 2016 and will not in 2020 either. The Republican Party as it exists today is not the party of true conservative values: smaller government, compassionate, a hand up rather than a hand out, strength abroad with our allies, fair trade, and support for business. I do not recognize today's party and am disgusted by Trump. He is a fraud and a charlatan. While I never agree with Mark Shields, I respect his opinions and he makes think about other perspectives. I find myself in nearly complete agreement with David Brooks as his struggles with today's Republican/Trumpian values mirror my own. Please bring them both back for the election coverage.

Workbench Page Type: 
Month and Year: 
October, 2020
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