Twilight of the PBS NewsHour?

The cloying on-air relationship between Yamiche Alcindor and Judy Woodruff is swiftly becoming a justification for abandoning my loyal viewership of the NewsHour (in all its iterations) after more than forty years. I do not believe the late Jim Lehrer would embrace the echo chamber character and "mutual admiration society" atmosphere that heavily permeates the NewsHour today.

Yes, you enjoy the freedom of the press and the freedom to increasingly cater to a target audience. Perhaps what the NewsHour has become is what it needs to be to survive its competition in a world of endless choice.

If so, then so be it. In the end, it's likewise an exercise of personal freedom to no longer support the NewsHour, and its host PBS, as I've done before. Perhaps you will further evolve. . . or face extinction.

Good luck.

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Month and Year: 
April, 2020
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