Weekend Edition, Ayesha Rascoe

I love Ayesha Rascoe's hosting! In addition to having a great sense of humor and easy-going style, she brings a Black perspective to her show. Each time I listen there is at least one story of a Black or Brown person, play, business, or event. Yet, these stories are presented without any vibe of "white people should feel guilt!" (I am White). The stories come across as just great additions to the American cultural fabric because of her comfortable, easygoing style. For example, she asks questions I'm sure she knows the answers to, but does not let her perspective show (representative example, not real: "And how did the community feel when the school board decided X?"). I really appreciate all these stories. It builds connection rather than separation between groups who identify as having unique qualities. Building connections is a valuable goal these days. Thanks for sharing your talents, Ms. Rascoe!
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July, 2023