Yamiche Alcindor/Media Bias

I’m an International Relations major who is deeply disturbed by the depth of hostility the media is targeting at Trump. 1. He is our President. 2. As President, he has the toughest job in the world, particularly now. 3. He has innumerable decisions he must make. 4. Continual hostility will not help him make good decisions because it heightens his stress levels. Hence, his comment, “Be nice.” 5. Selfish agendas on the part of the media put us all at risk by increasing his stress levels which must be “off the charts” by now. 6. Journalists are not decision makers and “pretend questions” which are really statements of accusation is not journalism. Stop the arm-chair quarterbacking. If a journalist cannot treat the President of our country kindly and politely, I don’t trust that journalist and he/she should be removed from White House duty. 7. Journalists should do something positive and productive. The President challenged the journalists to go find out what happened to the respirators, test kits, etc. Be INVESTIGATIVE journalists. Go do that and I might consider what the journalist has to offer. Current journalists seem to be nothing more than cheap paparazzi.

During the Cuban missile crisis, JFK was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and HE created the situation. If he was that close and had the love, adoration, and at the very least silence over his transgressions from the media, then what do you think constant badgering will accomplish. If the plan is to break this tough SOB, think again. You break him, you destroy our country. I will interpret further badgering of this President in this situation as treason.

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Month and Year: 
March, 2020
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