Your hand washing video

A week ago you had one of your teen "Helpers" (A redhead with braces) show the helpers how to wash your hands. She was very thorough and the video was informative however there was one issue that as a former ER nurse that I noticed: One one of her wrists your Helper worse several "friendship" style bracelets made out of string or cord. These look to be cotton and that's not good - if these get wet they can harbor mold, and if they come into contact with the current virus, she can't wash them like she washes her hands. These bracelets are actually a danger as they could be infected and re-infect the poor person after she washed her hands, not to mention of they get wet it's just not good for things like mold or just offering a damp environment for bacteria to grow in. She may want to consider ditching these bracelets.
Workbench Page Type: 
Month and Year: 
April, 2020