judy Woodruff

I am an avid reader and researcher- in find that Judy Woodruffs characterization of a non violent protest is way off the mark--PBS along with the controlled American media is misleading the public badly, Biden has been shielded from the public and protected by the media whores-the country is headed towards anarchy-and most of this chaos was manipulated by the DNC whose agenda was to defeat Donald Trump either before or after the election-Congress has failed in its sworn mandate to defend and protect US we the people-The GOP has not done much better- i rely on FOREIGN media for reporting accuracy-The people know and understand that neither party represents the constituency-we have turned into a fascist ologarchy, whose objection the public manifested itself in the ignition of a national rebellion over the George Floyd murder- and now worsened by gun wielding cops who have yet murdered 3 more of the public--Military complex [warned aboit byb Eisenhauer] is running this country into war--WE WILL NOT ABIDE WITH THESE ACTIONS-as well now we learn that this pandemic was LABORATORY CREATED IN THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA-CHAPEL HILL --AND HARDENED IN GREAT BRITAIN--WE WILL FIND THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE ENGAGED IN GENOCIDE, AND WE WILL DEAL NWITH THEM THAT LEGAL PROCESS IS ALREADY UNDERWAY--NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW NOT EVEN POLITICAL PARTIES IN AND OUT OF OFFICE--WE WILL TAKE OUR. COUNTRY BACK WITH OR WITHOUT YOUR HELP--IS THEIR NON SHAME ON YOUR PART FOR CONTRIBUTING TO THE CHAOS WE NOW EXPERIENCE? MILT FARROW

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Month and Year: 
August, 2020
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