mass brainwashing

Dear news organizations, It is important to report on the reasons certain U.S. citizens rabidly continue to support Donald Trump, despite his actual and impending criminality. Obviously, Trump is always acting, always on stage but it is significant to observe: that is who he really is, and most importantly, that is all he really is. When Trump tells his supporters that crime is skyrocketing, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they take his word for it. They are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand, and make themselves targets for mass brainwashing, and ultimately identical to cult members. The problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. To some, it doesn’t matter what Trump actually says because he’s so amusing to watch. Not only are these traits of cult members, but a sign of a mass ignorance pervading a significant sector of U.S. citizens. All cults have something in common. They strip away freedom of thought and realign ideas with those of its leader - a frightening prospect considering millions of Americans are being brainwashed by a reality-TV celebrity. Terms such as narcissistic and psychosis are often mentioned regarding Trump, in psychiatric publications and by experts in the field. When a highly symptomatic individual is placed in an influential position, the person’s symptoms can spread through the population through emotional bonds, heightening existing pathologies and inducing delusions, paranoia and propensity for violence. This is what we are seeing in our society, when people are threatened by Trump supporters, or when politicians are afraid to speak the truth. In the press and in politics, there is much discussion around voting Trumpists out of office, but the problem is far beyond that. There needs to be much more discussion around the mass brainwashing that has occurred, and the resulting cult behavior of Trump supporters and politicians. This would help to pave the way for a mass deprogramming, through an awareness campaign, and fight against the disinformation pervading the media world. Sincerely, Ron F**n, CEO V*****o, Inc.

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Month and Year: 
November, 2023
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