whyy radio programming - liberal - all of it is slanted and biased

npr whyy is not doing a fair job of reporting the news at all. it is liberal and keeps all information on conservative views off the air.i am referring to the radio broadcasts. i have complained alot to whyy radio statoin and nothinog ever changs.it is so violently liberal and so slanted and biased that it definitely needs to be looked at. i dont think taxpayer shoudl be forced to support such a biased, slanted radio program as npr whyy . does it come ouit of boston, a knoiwn liberal state. it continually has a political leader of one stripe discussing a situation with never someone o fthe opposite view to bring clarity to the situation and event. it presents one liberal side continually. this radio station should lose its funding from taxpoayers, becasue it is not presenting both sides of an issue. it is slanted and biased and needs poblic money taken from it entirely. let the liberals support it if they want such a biased radio programming.

New Jersey
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September, 2020
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