In anticipation of a U.S. Department of Education (“ED”) Notice Inviting Applications (“NIA”) for a new round of Ready To Learn (“RTL”) grants, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”) seeks one or more grant writers to play an essential role in the proposal development and drafting, working closely with CPB and its partner the Public Broadcasting Service (“PBS”). The grant writer(s) must have demonstrated success in developing a comprehensive grant proposal across multiple organizations with demonstrated success in securing large-scale federal grants from ED or other agencies. and securing large-scale federal grants from ED or other federal agencies. Knowledge of or familiarity with the education sector will be considered a plus.
This grant-writing effort will have an emphasis on innovative media and engagement approaches to strengthen early learning and build school readiness for children ages 2-8 from low-income households and their families, caregivers or educators. It will also include a major research and evaluation component.
The writer(s) must be able to dedicate approximately 8-12 weeks of concentrated time during a quick turn-around period, anticipated to begin as early as mid-February, through May of 2025.* The writer(s) must be able to work virtually and be available, if necessary, to meet with CPB and PBS in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area at least two times over the course of the project to work on the proposal. The writer(s) will be compensated based on hourly rates and related costs. The contract term will be for approximately three months and may be extended for three months, at CPB’s sole discretion, to complete any follow-up or related work at the original rates.
*Note: This timeline is dependent on the release of the NIA. CPB may have as few as 60 days to write and submit a proposal to ED.