Your programs have overbearing LOUD music, and drowning out the voices.

ALL of your shows (Documentaries, Nature, Frontline and Create, etc) now have music so loud it DROWNS out the dialogue and conversations. It is often musical styles which do not even relate to the style or nature of the program. This seems like someone's bad idea or way to employ relatives and friends who are musicians.

Don't blame our TV sound system. We have had the same system since 2012 and only in recent years has this happened on more and more of your programs. By the way we HAVEN'T noticed it on the limited number of COMMERCIAL TV programs we watch. We have had to stop watching MOST CreateTV shows. As far as NOVA and Frontline programs, the music has become the lame method of telling us "how to feel" during the program.

You (CPB) need to get the word out to the production teams that it is seriously out of hand. Please, no more excuses.

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Month and Year: 
May, 2020
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