The PBS News Hour - Complaint

In previous years I have always tuned to The PBS News Hour to find unbiased political news because I understood that CNN and Fox had political agendas. Unfortunately, in recent years I have been very disappointed in PBS' political coverage. There seems to be very little balanced reporting. All the political coverage stories seem slanted to the Democratic narrative. I no longer watch The PBS News Hour due to the unbalanced viewpoints and obvious lack of coverage of damage and crime happening in many of America's cities. But, mostly it is the programs' lack of courage to confront the Democratic position on their lack of leadership to stop violence. In my viewpoint The PBS News Hour has bowed to political bullying and turned a blind eye and refused to confront the Democrats in anyway whatsoever. I can only speak for myself, but It is a great loss when I cannot turn to public TV for unbiased reporting. Instead, I feel I am watching only the Democratic and liberal political parties viewpoints.

Workbench Page Type: 
Month and Year: 
August, 2020
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