Election 2020 Debate

I am a devoted viewer of PBS. I watch PBS because I learn so much and very much respect Judy Woodruff and other journalists and analysts who work closely with Judy Woodruff. I wanted to see if any assistance could be provided by Judy Woodruff and all involved who critiqued the very disturbing outcome of the debate. Simply asking that the Presidential Debates are handled with more decorum . Chris Wallace represented Fox but it seemed he lost ability to control racial slurs and constant interruptions made by President Trump . As a result, extra time was made for him at Biden’s and the viewers expense. President Trump should have been disqualified . He violated every rule of diplomacy in a debate. Wallace tried to set limits but failed . Perhaps a new rule to Turn individual microphones on for time granted and when time is up , turn it off. If not abided by , he should have lost his turn. At least Vice President Biden did more to explain facts with less time allowed. Once again President Trump got the attention he so desperately needs. To him that is a “Win”. He does not have what it takes to be a responsible or respectable President. Less viewers will want to see more debates after the first one tonight if this is all we can expect. People will not be educated and may not vote. I want everyone to vote, and I want to have hope that there are better days ahead. Respectfully, Barbara Branigan Broderick

New York
Workbench Page Type: 
Month and Year: 
September, 2020
Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB does not produce, broadcast or distribute content. Further, public media does not organize or moderate the Presidential Debates. The Commission on Presidential Debates sponsors and produces the quadrennial general election debates.