Judy Woodruff calling republicans "Rural, without a college education"

I watched almost all of the PBS News Hour election special, and was disgusted by the obvious liberal bias of your news anchor Judy Woodruff. At about 1 am last night (November 4th 2020) Judy Woodruff made a statement about republicans being "rural, and without a college education." I am an independent but my family is all college educated republicans and the assault on them was unjust and uncalled for. Ever since David Gregory got fired as moderator of Meet the Press, I have relied on PBS for what I felt was the last unbiased news. It makes me sad that the last reliable news station in this country has been corrupted by anchors like Judy Woodruff who would rather report their opinions over facts. I will no longer be watching PBS News Hour, and no longer recommend it to others who are tired of the far left and far right news. I'm sure this email wont even be read but it's important enough that I have to try. My last remaining source of unbiased news media is foreign news like german Deutsche Welle. Even though many of the topics on Deutsche Welle are impertinent to me as an American, the lead anchor Brent Goff is always on point. His interviews are full of poignant unbiased questions and he never puts forward his opinions, only facts. I hope some day PBS News Hour can find an anchor like Brent Goff who can return your news station into the hub of information it once was. Thank you for reading.

Workbench Page Type: 
Month and Year: 
November, 2020
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