November 10, 2020. Mark Shields newspaper column comment

I just read Mark Shields column in my local newspaper, the Mining Journal, Marquette, Michigan. Nov. 10, 2020. The article is about two white older men who ran for president. Fire of all, I like Mark Shields, consider myself a progressive Democrat. He mentions the number voting, etc. NOT ONCE, however did M. Shields mention the choice ofKAMALA HARRIS (diversity!) -- By Joe Biden. This is a HUGE factor in the MASSIVE NUMBER of votes for Joe B.

It is still astonishing --to me--that Trump got the number that he did. I have to remind myself that many of those who voted for DT 45 are people who will vote Republican - NO MATTER WHAT forever. Many are white non educated people who think he is going to actually help them. Some Trump voters care only about what they see as the ECONOMY getting better. So really -- Not many are the extremist RIDICULOUS white supremacist wing of this group (the ones who carry guns into Michigans capitol, for example. Another part of his voters are ignorant of actual facts and do not care about the DIVERSITY of this America today. America is changing rapidly -- whether WHITE VOTERS for 45 realize that. Far more states are purple or bue than ever before. Women who voted for Trump are simply voting against their own best interests, like the women of the 50-60s who served dinner in their aprons, Handmaids tale.

Those old white men who voted for Trump need to wake up to a more diverse country. Thats just a fact of American Life.

Thanks, Mark, for the good work. Just a few comments. You needed to add Kamala to the article.

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November, 2020
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