Virtue Signaling is not news - Fire Everyone except Stephanie Sy and David Brooks

I recently found a way to watch Al Jazeera on my TV and after growing up listening to PBS and continuing to do so for 40 years of adulthood, I am getting close to making the switch. Listening to Mark Shields replacement stumble over his hyper emotional attempts to put forth his agenda after trying to make sense of an anorexic millennial whose only friend, a cat, licks itself on the sofa behind her, all while trying to forgive Judy Woodruff for trying not to look as old as Biden is just too much. I love David Brooks, but since his recent marriage, he has turned full on liberal and that once refreshing balance of Shields and Brooks honestly depicting both sides of an argument is sadly gone. Hiring an incompetent Black Gay man to replace Shields is destructive to the hard work and progress that both Blacks and Gays have made in this country and it is embarrassing to watch him stumble. Stephanie Sy on the other hand is sharp and clear and utterly bipartisan and she should be made the anchor and savior of a show I've depended on my whole life.

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February, 2022
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