Partisan news broadcasting by NPR!!

Gentlemen ~ For years I have been seeing NPR turn into nothing but a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. NPR (National Public Broadcasting) is NOT objective or neutral with their broadcasting. For years I have hoped more people would be vocal about taking the powers that be at NPR "to the woodshed" and put the hammer on them to quit their less than objective broadcasting. But I'm sure the Democratic Party "owns" NPR. Today (07-08-2022) their reporting of the assassination of the Japanese official with their comment beginning with "divisive arch- conservative" was totally uncalled for especially when a deceased person CANNOT RESPOND. To begin a news article with a political statement just shows what a Democratic arm NPR has turned into!! Totally Classless but so predictable. CUT THEIR FUNDS OFF UNTIL THEY BECOME AN OBJECTIVE NEWS STATION!!!!!

Workbench Page Type: 
Month and Year: 
July, 2022
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