Morning Edition

You know, some of my friends get angry at NPR’s quotidian promotion of left-wing narratives without pushback or skepticism, such as this morning’s piece on crime by far-left activist Sandhya Dirks. But I, on the contrary, believe that NPR helps the Right. NPR is almost a caricature of a certain type of urban leftist with a big megaphone. Voters and consumers may be as dumb as Dirks and the like implicitly believe, but they know when they are being condescended to, so keep up the segments telling them that issues of violent crime, inflation, illegal immigration, a general public anomie, etc., are the result of their gullibility and imagination, and ‘racist’ as well. In large parts of this country, now, such products of the legacy media help turn swing voters, such as those fabled ‘suburban wimen’, toward pulling the lever for the GOP.

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Month and Year: 
November, 2022
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