A Modest Enquiry into the Necessity of a TV License.

Hello there. I would like to suggest that you start having people with television sets pay a compulsory monthly TV License fee. The reason why I'm suggesting this is because PBS and NPR have not been receiving that much funding lately, and only 15% of all PBS funding comes from the U.S. government. That's where my idea comes in. Many countries have been using this system of funding for their public broadcasters for quite some time. Here's how it works: Everyone who owns a TV set with an antenna hooked up to it or watches TV online using the Internet has to pay this fee. People will have a bill sent to them every month. Then the money goes to you, then you send it to PBS and NPR. However, there will be discounted costs for seniors, people with disabilities, and people close to or below the poverty line. I think this would be a great idea.



Workbench Page Type: 
Month and Year: 
July, 2023
Thank you for contacting us with your concern about funding for CPB and the public media organizations it supports. Public media is a public-private partnership in the best tradition of America’s free enterprise system. By law, the majority of the federal funds for public broadcasting goes through CPB, a private, nonprofit corporation, to more than 1,500 locally owned and operated public television and radio stations across the country. Every station relies on audience support, so we invite you to consider supporting your local public media station. You can find station information here: http://www.cpb.org/cpb-station-finder