Programs and Projects

Programs and Projects header

By statute, more than 70% of the annual federal appropriation for public broadcasting goes directly to public media stations through Community Service Grants. Grants and subgrants for programs, projects and services from the rest of the annual appropriation are listed here, along with grants from a separate appropriation for interconnection and infrastructure, as well as funding CPB administers from the U.S. Department of Education for the Ready To Learn program and from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the Next Generation Warning System.

Grant amounts are subject to change as contracts are amended.

Eating Up Easter

Science, Health, Medicine & Natural Environment

Election 2020: Listening to America

Journalism Innovation

Emergency Disaster Funding: KNBA FM, earthquake

Science, Health, Medicine & Natural Environment

Exit Music

Science, Health, Medicine & Natural Environment

Forever, Chinatown

Family, Community, Identity & Social Studies, Aged & Elderly, Asian American & Asian

Free Chol Soo Lee

Asian American & Asian

FRONTLINE: Local/National Initiative

Local Journalism