
A Modest Enquiry into the Necessity of a TV License.

Hello there. I would like to suggest that you start having people with television sets pay a compulsory monthly TV License fee. The reason why I'm suggesting this is because PBS and NPR have not been receiving that much funding lately, and only 15% of all PBS funding comes from the U.S. government. That's where my idea comes in. Many countries have been using this system of funding for their public broadcasters for quite some time. Here's how it works: Everyone who owns a TV set with an antenna hooked up to it or watches TV online using the Internet has to pay this fee.

Weekend Edition, Ayesha Rascoe

I love Ayesha Rascoe's hosting! In addition to having a great sense of humor and easy-going style, she brings a Black perspective to her show. Each time I listen there is at least one story of a Black or Brown person, play, business, or event. Yet, these stories are presented without any vibe of "white people should feel guilt!" (I am White). The stories come across as just great additions to the American cultural fabric because of her comfortable, easygoing style.

Great American Recipe

Why don't you offer any information on how to apply as a contestant on this show?

My Sunday Mornings are ruined

I mean, Ayesha Rascoe seems like a nice person. But her accent is awful, and listening to her is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. What's more her interviews are pretty inane, and her habit of making dumb statements that she thinks are funny and then laughing at herself while the interviewee stays awkwardly quiet just leaves me cringing. I've been a huge fan for decades, but I've basically had to stop listening to Sunday Edition. I'm sure there is a great place for her somewhere in the NPR schedule, but please please move her from weekend mornings!

Interrupted TV broadcast signal on both kqed and kqed plus

HELP PLEASE!!!! For the last two weeks my excellent signal reception (dish roof antenna) has suddenly become constant terrible and impossible to watch: "fail to receive" "no broadcast at this time" distorted pics, lines, dots, scattered sound bites. What is going on??? Problems at SUTRO broadcasting again? FYI-- channel 4 is constant "fail" and channel 65 is responding same as 9 only worse. Tonight July 3 I'm getting a solid fail for the last hour since 8:30pm.

Sunday Morning Edition

Please replace/remove Ayesha Rascoe. I see many comments and complaints re: her voice/delivery. I cannot and will not listen.

Sunday Morning Edition

Please replace/remove Ayesha Rascoe. I see many comments and complaints re: her voice/delivery. I cannot and will not listen.

Weekend Edition Sunday

I had listened to every episode of Weekend Edition Sunday for decades, with great pleasure. But since Ayesha Rascoe became the host I am no longer able to do so. My Sundays have been significantly diminished as a result. The main reason is her voice. It is so grating that I find it difficult to believe she was chosen as the voice of a major news platform for NPR. In addition to the fingernails on a blackboard quality of her voice, she sometimes drops her 'g's, and often slightly slurs, seemingly in too much of a hurry.

Sunday Morning

Aeysha Roscoe. Really? She has the voice of a screechy, 14 year old. Her cackling laugh, her weird accentuations ( and I have a home in the Mississippi Delta), her volume and emphasis dive bombs, she's really hard to listen to...especially on a quiet morning. I rather listen to silence. I don't have a lot of money but every time I think of priorities for giving Aeysha Roscoe cancels out any thought of NPR. I give to MPB local programming, WWNO is a total loss- repetitive and boring. But Aeysha Roscoe- I'd pay to have her shut up.

June 13, 2023

Mrs. Amanpour with professor Snyder from Yale are totally biased and Blind, bought out to left . CNN comments by Trump stated by Amanpour and professor are warted comments. This program and PBS are totally bought out and are blind. Other PBS programs that are straight reporting that are not political are very informative but other programs are pro dictatorship pro control of society deceived by lies.