
Public Broadcasting is becoming less public for a certain class of potential viewers.

I have contributed to my local NPR station twice a year for the past 40 years and also to a few particular shows I really enjoyed. I have been living under the poverty line for that entire time….but would always send $10-$15 when donations are matched by thoughtful donors.

NPR programming bias.

NPR and WPR have always leaned toward the liberal side of event coverage in our state and nation. These past few years have gotten substantially worse in this biased coverage. It's not news anymore or information. NPR and WPR are now strictly about agendas from the left and pushing those agendas forward. Its unfortunate they have become so one sided in their approach to covering issues. They have a good broadcast format set up and are wasting it with their personal political agendas. I used to rely on them for objectivity.

Remove the Hearings from antenna stations ABC, CBS, etc

There are plenty of other channels for the government to use without taking over normal antenna programming. The news channels can help them be ridiculous all day long. It's cruel, on top of wasting tax payer's money, to block the normal programs from antenna viewers.

Public display of mass shooting victims

William Brangham's piece 7/11/22. I agree with the mother in this piece. It would be horrible to display the carnage of mass shootings on public TV. Show these photos to the US Congress and Senate. They could do something to stop the carnage in America, if only they would. Americans such as myself realize how horrible this is. Americans who don't won't be convinced no matter what evidence you show them.

Support for CPB.

Years ago, your reporting was educational and inspiring...much needed and great fun. It has devolved into woke left wing propaganda. At a dinner conversation Saturday night, I revealed that I visited my estate attorney, removing CPB from my will, and redistributing the funds to Republican interests in retaliation. Of interest, several couples remarked they had done, or were in the process of doing the same. Defund NPR/CPB is now of interest. Nice job. Paul B*****n Cleveland OH

music content of morning classical at (AM Mondays

I'm a regular listener and contributor in Asheville. I just suffered through George Gershwin's "Clap Yo Hands" because the host thought,"the lyrics would be considered racially cringy- it's a good tune though". I have just 3 words for this- cut it out! - or you won't get any more money from me. Tom P***t

Finding your roots

It's a shame that such a well produced and interesting show as Finding Your Roots is that I will no longer watch it. It is disproportionately represented by guests that are liberal. I'd be fine watching if even a fraction of the guests were middle or right but it's out of hand. And it uses public funds!!

Lastly Louis Gate, who is excellent seems to convince his guests that they and their ancestors have been or are victims. Yet all of his guests are successful to the point of being elite.

Utah Insight

I was watching a program today about water use in Utah. Aquafers were mentioned, but I would like to understand why we have not heard getting water from areas where water is in abundance. The western states all are going through droughts, and demand is continuing to increase. If we can get oil through pipelines, why not water? Israel is getting it out of the Sea Our previous governor tried to instigate it, why not now? I look forward to a response, Fred K*********k, f********

Partisan news broadcasting by NPR!!

Gentlemen ~ For years I have been seeing NPR turn into nothing but a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. NPR (National Public Broadcasting) is NOT objective or neutral with their broadcasting. For years I have hoped more people would be vocal about taking the powers that be at NPR "to the woodshed" and put the hammer on them to quit their less than objective broadcasting. But I'm sure the Democratic Party "owns" NPR.

Too damn liberal

Every thing except the movie series on pbs is liberal no balanced programing and getrid of judy woodruff shes a real trip.Shes about as liberal as they come.I am not a liberal or conservative but anyone can plainly see its totally liberal.