
PBS Viewership in Maine

October 28, 2020

Dear PBS,

How many hundreds of thousands of households in Maine no longer get public television? If you took a poll to determine who is able to watch PBS anymore I think you would be surprised that it truly is in the hundreds of thousands.

Why when WCSH TV channel 6 NBC switched to digital recently and all I had to do was rescan my TV to get it. As for PBS, I haven't been able to view it since you switched to something else impossible to get even on a new smart TV.

pbs programming

I am legally blind as are over three milion people in the US. I know that PBS accomodates the hearing impaired with captions. However, when programs have people speaking in other languages, there is no voice over to help us understand what is being said. Also, with some shows that are hard to understand there are also sub titles and again, low or no vision patrons are left out. Of course it is not only PBS but all TV staions, but supposedly PBS is interested in accessibility. Another issue the diversity of programming in SW Florida.

Biased reporting on the PBS Newshour

I understand that people leaning left or right on the political scale can see bias in reporting and interviewing. I have watched the PBS Newshour on and off for many years and I sense a shift in reporting to the left. For example, following a final report on the unsuccessful impeachment proceedings against the president in late January and February, a PBS Newshour reporter stated that another House Committee would soon launch another inquiry into the president. To which Ms.

Recent announcement by pbs they will not cover the Biden's possibly illegal activities while the FIB Confirms investigations

It is bewildering to me that tax payers democrats and republicans give money to PBS as a non political entity, yet in all their coverage, both radio and tv are far to the left in a lot of their coverage of political issues. Shame on them, and shame on us for supporting them!

Biden Scandal

ITs hard to believe that NPR a government funded radio station can deny anything it wants as newsworthy..Until the Biden crime family says any of these emails are not lrgitimate it is a STORY and not subject to your Censorship..Thank God Dr, Gosar is going to get you defunded!!!

Refuse to cover Biden laptop

I am contacting my congressman and senator to ask to repeal all government funding to CPB. They refuse to cover Bidens laptop but smeared the lies on Russia about the Trump administration. Now the are enemies of free speech.

PBS News Hour

Lately, the more I see Judy Woodruff's interviews the more frustated I get with how she gets manipulated by the interviewee! Just watched Tim Murtaugh (Trump Communications Director) on the News Hour. So very disappointed again to see Judy Woodruff allow a political operative not answer questions and lie nonstop. And so frustrated to see Judy Woodruff afraid of interrupting and looking so timid and frightened. Why wouldn't she challenge Mr. Murtaugh's assertions? Can we get another person to do real interviews: hard questions, press to get answers, and control the air time!? Please!!

Aiming radio signals

I'm ordering Judy Woodruff to stop aiming her radio signals at me. I have a case number from a federal agency allowing me to file suit or issue an order to pay. I'm the only legal King, Chairman, CEO, President of the U.S.A. King of the Universe by birth Bruce Mlynski

PBS NewsHour with Judy woodruff

Liam Jardin’s reporting is Excellent but I wish she would over a few inches so she wouldn’t always be displaying that Martini shaker in her cabinet. She must read. Why not show a few books? A strong supporter of The News Hour.

Shields & Brooks

I really miss Mark Shields and David Brooks' commentary this year during the debates. I hope you will be bringing them back for election coverage and commentary. I am a (former) long time Republican who could not check the box for Trump in 2016 and will not in 2020 either. The Republican Party as it exists today is not the party of true conservative values: smaller government, compassionate, a hand up rather than a hand out, strength abroad with our allies, fair trade, and support for business. I do not recognize today's party and am disgusted by Trump. He is a fraud and a charlatan.