
global heating and nature programs

I'm appalled at the continuing head in the sand airing of Nature Programs that project an all is well attitude concerning the state of the natural world. The most recent knowledge that 67% of vertebrates are gone in the last 50 years is an emergency! Please stop minimizing the truth.

Mark Shields Contact Information

I have detailed information on a Catholic Lobby that I would like to get into the hands of Mark Shields. What is his e-mail address.

Judy Woodruff,PBS news hour

I want you to know how much I appreciate your reporting, your patience and your professionalism. Listening to Jared Kushner (9/15/20) almost made my head explode. You ask good questions with persistence. You have the capacity to “tolerate fools gladly “ . I fear that without the patience you exhibited, our democracy and our society will come apart. With gratitude, Frank 


News Hour

I am consistently frustrated by Judy Woodruffs inability to manage interviewees. Just now, in her interview with Jared Kushner, she let him go on and on praising Trump’s efforts on Covid etc and she couldn’t get a word in or rebuttal. This is a very consistent and very troubling failure to keep the news factual and not mis-information or misleading. Its time for stronger leadership on the News Hour. I am a PBS/NPR sustaining member and have been watching the news hour since the 1980s. I increasingly do not like what I’m seeing.

CRISPR taken too lightly by NOVA

It seems the Ken Burns documentary on CRISPR had a healthy attitude of “approach with caution” , whereas this latest Nova episode has shown the use of CRISPR in a positive “go forward and make the world a better place” kind of light... which causes me great pause and suspicion of certain financial backers of PBS. There should be approval before a CRISPR ethics board prior to release of such materials to the general public. It’s basically an ad or a stamp of approval to use such an entity as Nova to endorse this powerful piece of science to the public. I fear the train has left the station.


How can you receive government support and be so biased against Republicans? I am a gay man living in San Francisco for over 40 years and even I can see the bias. Frontline used to be great and non partisan. Now it’s all woke propaganda and trying to influence elections. Stop taking taxpayer money.

whyy radio programming - liberal - all of it is slanted and biased

npr whyy is not doing a fair job of reporting the news at all. it is liberal and keeps all information on conservative views off the air.i am referring to the radio broadcasts. i have complained alot to whyy radio statoin and nothinog ever is so violently liberal and so slanted and biased that it definitely needs to be looked at. i dont think taxpayer shoudl be forced to support such a biased, slanted radio program as npr whyy . does it come ouit of boston, a knoiwn liberal state.

PBS Newshour

Thanks and deep appreciation to Judy Woodruff and the staff at PBS Newshour for your professionalism: Right on, Yamiche Alcindor for 2019-2020 White House coverage. I agree with my wife who says Yamiche should get extra pay for “hazard duty” covering the liar-in-chief and his lying den of hyenas in the cabinet. Kudos to Lisa Desjardins and William Brangham, stellar work from both! We can see this past year has been extremely difficult to be true journalists and I wish to extend my sincere gratitude for PBS Newshour’s even handed, fact based reporting.

Reporting Suggestion

I'm trying to get something put on the news about a nursing home that is neglecting their patients. There's lots of reviews on the place. 


PBS is nothing more than a Propaganda Broadcast System, continually hard left leaning. Trying to twist the true facts of what's happening in this country, one example is, agreeing with looting, burning police cars, blocking off city streets, and shooting anyone who crosses that line. Polluting our kids mind with socialist ideas thru cartoons etc. Continually harping on slavery, which ended over 155 years ago, but bringing it up like it happened yesterday. Continually bashing President Trump, and hailing the left who seriously want to take our 1st &2nd amendment rights away.