CPB Awards Up to $500,000 to Two Public Radio Stations to Improve Emergency Alerting

Raven Radio in Sitka, Alaska, and WCLK in Atlanta Secure Next Generation Warning System Funding

December 16, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. (December 16, 2024) – Public radio stations Raven Radio in Sitka, AK, and WCLK in Atlanta will receive a total of up to $508,234 from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) to upgrade their equipment to provide enhanced emergency alerting. With these grants, CPB has awarded funding to 40 public media stations in 22 states so far for the Next Generation Warning System (NGWS) grant program, funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

“Public media stations play a vital role in emergency alerting in communities across the country,” said Patricia Harrison, president and CEO of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. “The Next Generation Warning System grant program helps public media organizations, especially in rural areas, to replace and upgrade their infrastructure so that they can continue to keep their communities safe.”

The NGWS grant program, which prioritizes public media stations, provides funding for media organizations to upgrade their equipment and receive training to enhance alerting and warning capabilities.

So far, 40 grants have been awarded in the initial round of funding, which drew from the $40 million allocated by Congress for Fiscal Year 2022. Congress subsequently appropriated $56 million in funding in FY 2023, and CPB received approximately 170 station applications requesting more than $109 million in the FY2023 round of NGWS funding. FEMA recently announced that CPB will administer a third round of funding from the $40 million Congress approved in FY 2024.

“FEMA's Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) is dedicated to enhancing resilience by quickly sharing emergency communications with the public through various integrated channels," said Manny Centeno, Director of FEMA IPAWS. "IPAWS offers a range of tools and resources that enable local authorities to effectively communicate emergencies to the public. We are continuously working on developing the Next Generation Warning System concept, improving continuity, and using advanced television and radio technologies, to ensure that we can reach the public wherever they are.”

The latest stations recently receiving NGWS funding:

  • KCAW, Raven Radio, Sitka AK, up to $313,203 to upgrade equipment allowing the station to increase coverage of their broadcast signal to underserved areas, adding redundancy to make their service more reliable.
  • WCLK, Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA, up to $195,331 to replace and upgrade aging equipment to address broadcast interruptions and improve the station’s emergency alerting system.

The 40 stations to receive NGWS grants so far, by state:

  • Alabama: Alabama Public Television (up to $529,558); Alabama A&M/WJAB-FM (up to $246,263).
  • Alaska: Bethel Broadcasting – KYUK TV-AM-FM (up to $277,292); Kodiak Public Broadcasting - KMXT-FM (up to $51,670); KTOO Public Media - KTOO TV/FM (up to $252,209); Lynn Canal Broadcasting - KHNS FM (up to $88,426); Rainbird Community Broadcasting Corporation - KRBD-FM (up to $95,185); Raven Radio – KCAW (up to $313,203); Silakkuagvik Communications - KBRW (up to $98,853); Stikine River Radio (CoastAlaska) - KSTK-FM (up to $90,002); Unalaska Community Broadcasting - KUCB-FM (up to $224,081).
  • California: Northern California Educational TV - KIXE-TV (up to $857,105); White Ash Broadcasting, Inc. – KVPR-FM (up to $38,607).
  • Colorado: Community Radio Project (KZET-FM, KSJD-FM, and KICO-FM in the Four Corners region) (up to $54,750).
  • Florida: IRSC Public Media, Indian River State College - WQCS-FM, WQCP-FM, and WQJS-FM (up to $165,680).
  • Georgia: Clark Atlanta University – WCLK-FM (up to $195,3312).
  • Hawaii: Hawaii Public Television Foundation/PBS Hawaii - KMEB-TV (up to $184,961).
  • Indiana: PBS Fort Wayne - WFWA-TV (up to $185,086); Tri-State Public Media -WNIN TV/FM, (up to $161,481).
  • Kansas: Smoky Hills PBS - KOOD-TV (up to $1,761,843).
  • Kentucky: Eastern Kentucky University - WEKU-FM (up to $382,056); Murray State University (WKMS-FM) (up to $270,377); 
  • Louisiana: Red River Radio - KDAQ-FM (up to $80,642).
  • Michigan: Delta College Public Media - WDCQ-TV (up to $976,708).
  • Mississippi: Mississippi Public Broadcasting (up to $221,000).
  • Missouri: University of Central Missouri - KMOS PBS (up to $880,085); Missouri State University - KSMU-FM (up to $384,573).
  • New York: Radio Catskill - WJFF-FM (up to $135,439); Mountain Lake Public Telecommunications Council/Mountain Lake PBS - WCFE-TV (up to $218,586); North Country Public Radio/St. Lawrence University - WSLU-FM (up to $109,675); St. Lawrence Valley Educational Television Council - WPBS-TV (up to $276,444).
  • Oregon: Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs - KWSO-FM (up to $158,749).
  • Pennsylvania: Public Broadcasting of Northwest Pennsylvania, Inc. – WQLN-FM (up to $87,059). 
  • South Dakota: Rosebud Sioux Tribe - KOYA-FM (up to $481,003).
  • Tennessee: Mid-South Public Communications Foundation - WKNO-TV and WKNO-FM (up to $1,657,012). 
  • Texas: Alamo Public Telecommunications Council - KLRN-TV (up to $551,426); South Texas Public Broadcasting System - KEDT-TV/FM & KVRT-FM (up to $536,921); Texas A&M University - KAMU TV/FM (up to $486,214).
  • Utah: Listeners Community Radio of Utah, Inc. - KRCL-FM (up to $462,038).
  • Virginia: Blue Ridge Public Television - WBRA-TV (up to $1,122,074). 


About the NGWS Grant Program
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded CPB a total of $136 million in FY 2022, FY 2023, and FY 2024-appropriated funds to establish and implement the Next Generation Warning System (NGWS) grant program. CPB is administering a competitive grant program for public television and public radio stations to replace and upgrade infrastructure to expand alert, warning, and interoperable communications, creating a more resilient and secure public alerting system. For more information, visit cpb.org/NGWS or email us at ngws@cpb.org.

About CPB
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), a private, nonprofit corporation authorized by Congress in 1967, is the steward of the federal government's investment in public broadcasting. It helps support the operations of more than 1,500 locally managed and operated public television and radio stations nationwide. CPB is also the largest single source of funding for research, technology, and program development for public radio, television, and related online services. For more information, visit www.cpb.org and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and subscribe for email updates.


Categories: CPB Funding