Frequently Asked Questions Next Generation Warning System (NGWS) Grant Program

Application approach and components

When can we apply for funding?   

CPB is currently accepting applications until Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 5 pm ET. Grant awards will be approved on a rolling basis. Please note you must request GMS access by September 5th.

Do I need to request GMS access if I already have a CSG account with CPB? When and how do I do so? 

All applicants must request access to GMS for this specific grant, even if they are CSG recipients and applying for other grants within CPB. There will be a firm advanced deadline by which stations must request access (September 5, 2024), a week in advance of the final submission deadline (September 12, 2024). When requesting access, applicants should include the following information: ONE individual requesting the invite (name and email), whether or not the station is a CSG recipient, and if so, the 4-digit entity ID and full licensee name. The listed individual must be the one to submit the application and cannot change the name associated with the access.  

Who is eligible for funding? 

All public broadcasting entities as defined in the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C. §397(11)) are eligible to apply. Eligibility is not contingent upon whether a public broadcasting entity qualifies for CPB’s Community Service Grant (CSG) program. 

Can applications be partially funded, or is this all-or-nothing?  

CPB will not reject an application entirely for a line item that is not eligible. Your application should include your complete list of needs, and CPB will evaluate what meets the priority metrics of the Notice  Of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). 

Is there a limit to the size of grant requests?  

While there is not a cap on the amount any given station can request, overall funding is limited. All requests should detail the impact in the project narrative and budget worksheet to justify the requested funding. 

How are NGWS grants prioritized? 

CPB will evaluate each application on the merits of how it establishes or enhances emergency alerting in the underserved communities specified in FEMA’s FY 2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity. Please see the “Selection Criteria” section of the Request for Applications (RFA) for further details. 

How can we determine if our station meets the prioritization criteria? 

FEMA has provided funding to support the needs of underserved communities, including rural communities.If you are not located in a rural area but transmit to rural areas, you may still meet the priority criteria. The information provided in your application should be specific enough to demonstrate that your station meets a specified FEMA priority, including detailed information about coverage areas and known demographics. 

Is it better to submit a single application or joint with other stations? If joint, is there a limit to how many stations one entity can submit? 

In most cases, CPB is expecting to fund the entity holding the station’s FCC license. CPB understands that many stations operate as a joint licensee, or that the organization is structured such that a joint application is consistent with how you have worked with CPB in the past. In these circumstances, please provide specifics of the arrangement between multiple entities within your application. For example, please clarify fiscal responsibilities, who would be using and maintaining the equipment, and any clear delineations in authority.   

Can we submit more than one proposal? Can an application be submitted in phases?  

Stations should submit one application, all at once, that includes all equipment needs that meet the priorities of the RFA. 

Can multiple unrelated projects for a single station be included in a single application?  

Yes. Stations should submit an application that includes all equipment needs that meet the priorities of the RFA.  

Is an Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) review required for minor projects - ex. those not building a tower?  

An EHP review is required for all funded projects. However, it is not required to be submitted with the initial application. Following the initial application submission, applicants may be asked to submit additional supplemental materials as part of a full technical review – including the EHP review. To review FEMA EHP guidance for applicants, information can be found at this link

How can we access CPB’s Grant Management System (GMS)? 

To request access to the GMS, email One individual per station can be granted access to upload documents, so please specify in your email who that should be (and include their first and last name, email address, phone number, and full station name). CPB will email an invitation to the email address provided. If the individual does not already have a GMS account, the email will instruct the user to create a new account on the log-in page. 

Once an account is created, go to “” and log in. The NGWS grant will be listed under “Available Grants and RFPs.” Click on the link “Respond here” to submit an application. 

Once the application, proposal, and all necessary forms are uploaded into the window, and all the information requests in the window are completed, press “Submit.” 

When and how will stations be notified if their application was successful? 

 As subgrants are awarded on a competitive, rolling basis, recipients will be officially notified by email. 


Budget and compliance  

When will grants be awarded? How does the rolling awarding work? How quickly will funds be disbursed?  

CPB anticipates announcing awards in Winter 2024 through Spring 2025. Please allow several months for project review. This is due to the complexity of technical scope requests, the fact that funding is contingent upon an environmental and historic preservation (EHP) evaluation and approval by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and other factors. Since CPB is a grantee of FEMA for this funding (and awarded broadcasting entities will be subrecipients), the process and procedures are somewhat different than those of other CPB grants. Also note that funds are distributed on a reimbursement basis.

Since evaluations are rolling, if we wait to apply, will our application still be competitive? 

Grants will be awarded on a rolling basis, so the sooner a completed application is received, the sooner it can be reviewed. However, applications will not be evaluated strictly on a “first come, first served basis.” CPB will consider applicants’ alignment with the prioritization criteria as listed in the RFA. Once all the grant funds are allocated, no additional awards will be made. 

How precise do the application's equipment cost estimates need to be?  

Please submit vendor quotes with your application. The quotes help CPB understand that prices are fair and reasonable. You should include an estimated contingency as part of your request to cover any unforeseeable cost increases when you procure equipment.  

Can the grant be used to fund projects currently underway?  

No, the grant may not be used to reimburse money already spent. However, work on an upcoming phase of a project that has not been started may be eligible. 

Can a study that was commissioned for a project be submitted as proof of cost for the application? 

Yes, the proof of pricing for the application can include studies if they are recent and include cost details. 

Does the grant require a funding match?  


How does reimbursement work? And would the money go to the station or the licensee?  

This grant will be reimbursed according to 2 CFR 200 guidelines and the obligations of the FEMA award. Each grantee will have a signed agreement that allows them to spend funds for a project, and then be reimbursed from CPB for allowable costs. This is usually within 30 calendar days after receipt of the billing. Any funds will be distributed to the contracted awardee. 

What are the overhead expenditure restrictions?  

Limits on overhead costs (indirect) will be consistent with Uniform Guidance requirements and FEMA grant limitations. 

How will impact and performance for stations be measured?  

Geographic maps, details on the populations served, information on past disasters and emergency alerting, in addition to other metrics determined by the station, will support an application.  

Is there a deadline to install the new equipment? 

All funding for this award must be spent before the award close date. This includes any purchase, installation, or services costs associated with the project. 

How firm is the equipment installation deadline?  

The equipment installation deadline is September 30, 2026.

What kind of long-term requirements are attached to the funds/equipment?  

This award falls under Uniform Guidance standards (2 CFR 200), which must be followed for proper administration of funding. This includes federal retention policy guidelines, audit requirements and application of federal cost principles. The “Eligible Scope, Allowable Costs, and Funding Restrictions” and “Procurement Guidelines” sections of the RFA provide additional details regarding these guidelines. 

Are indirect costs allowable?  

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting abides by the guidelines and regulations that accompany the responsibility of this federal award in accordance with Uniform Guidance. Certain indirect costs may be eligible for recoupment in a Next Generation Warning System Grant. Indirect costs are those not attributable to direct project costs or activities but are necessary to effectively implement the respective projects or activities. Given the nature of this equipment-based grant program, indirect cost recoupment is limited. Any request to include indirect costs in the project budget must be accompanied by a current Negotiated Federal Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA). If a grantee does not have or has never had a NICRA, grantee may request a ten percent (10%) de minimis indirect rate in accordance with 2 CFR 200.414(f). CPB reserves the right to request substantiation of any grantee’s indirect cost rate, including the appropriate application of costs to direct costs. Indirect costs will only be allowed once CPB staff receives and verifies that the rate and calculation comply with the applicable federal cost principles.  



What kinds of equipment and services does the grant cover?  

Generally, applications should focus on transmission equipment that would improve a station’s airchain infrastructure or improve the resiliency of the airchain in establishing or enhancing emergency alerting. Please see the updated list of allowable equipment. 

Are technological upgrades optional? Are non-IPAWS proposals at a disadvantage?  

CPB is prioritizing projects that increase IPAWS emergency alerting, Digital Radio, and ATSC 3.0 projects. Resiliency projects will also be considered. 

Should we write this technical equipment application for an audience of engineering managers or an audience of other managers?  

Please submit the desired equipment and services and explain your reasoning. The equipment requests should meet the priorities listed in the RFA. Provide as much detail as possible, and if CPB needs additional technical explanation or clarification, it will be requested. 

Is help available to determine what kind of equipment to ask for and how to apply for the grant?  

CPB is contracting with a technical vendor to assist stations who need help determining the scope for their project proposals. Please note that technical assistance is not guaranteed. If granted, it will extend the evaluation period of the application. Therefore, it is recommended that the application be as complete as possible. If you need technical assistance to complete the application, please indicate as such in the relevant question on p. 7 [“If you need support to determine the scope of your project or you need implementation support, would you like to be considered for technical assistance with scope development of your project and evaluation of your air chain (pending funding availability)?”] You can find the RFA and application file linked here:


Updates for the Round 2 Application

How can I improve my application in this next round of funding?  

We recommend carefully reading the Request for Applications as well as the Notice of Funding Opportunity to understand the program’s objectives and priorities, and clearly articulating the way your proposed project meets those priorities and creates an impact. It is helpful to ensure that your application is thorough and complete. This grant is highly competitive, and funds are limited. We expect many applications and funding will not be sufficient to cover all proposed projects, so making a clear case for your project’s impact will be crucial.   

Are there any changes to the application materials I submit for consideration in round 2?  

The RFA will involve fewer application deliverables for an initial review. Applicants will submit ONLY 4 components: An updated grant application document, proof of pricing in a PDF (compiled with the application document), a coverage map in a PDF (compiled with the application document), and an equipment form in Excel. 

These items above will be the only ones required to be submitted via GMS by the RFA deadline. At a later point in the evaluation process, applicants may be asked for supplemental materials to allow for a full technical review, such as a schematic/signal flow document, an Environmental and Historic Preservation form with required photos, proof of age of equipment (with photos as relevant), and any additional information needed for technical determination.

Are there any changes to the application form or the equipment form? 

Many of the questions on the forms remain the same, so feel free to draw upon your responses from a former application as relevant. However, we also adjusted some of the questions and some of the particular information we are requesting to best allow you to make your case for impact and funding – so please do read carefully before responding. The equipment form is only one tab instead of two, and a site location table has been added. We added a space on the equipment form to specify the priority level of each line item. Finally, we are also asking that the “proofs of pricing” document be labeled to align with the specific line items input in the equipment form.

Who should submit an application if we have multiple licenses/entities?  

The public broadcast entity that would control and use the requested equipment should submit the application. If multiple entities use/share the site(s) where equipment will be located, please detail in your application which parties will be using the equipment at each location site and detail the arrangement/relationship. If you are dual licensees for TV and radio requesting equipment for both uses, please detail the project impact on both broadcast and operations.