Next Meeting: Tue Jan 21 · Audit and Finance Committee

A Board of Directors governs CPB, sets policy, and establishes funding priorities. CPB is the only public media organization whose board members are nominated by the President of the United States and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. A full board term runs for six years, with the President nominating members for vacancies. The Board, in turn, appoints the president and the chief executive officer of CPB, who then names the other corporate officers.

Alexander, Honey (Leslee)
Anderson, Gloria
Anderson, Katherine
Arroyo, David
Bacon, Carolyn
Beirne, Joseph A.
Bell, Warren
Benjamin, Robert S.
Blair, Diane
Boskin, Christien
Braun, Theodore
Brenner, Daniel L.
Brookhiser, Richard S.
Buchanan, Martha
Butterworth, Ritajean
Cahill, Patricia
Carpenter, Christy
Carroll, Roscoe C.
Cauthen, Henry J.
Cole, Albert L.
Courtney, Beth
Cowan, Geoffrey
Cruz, Frank H.
Curtis, Thomas B.
Dates, Jannette
Davenport, Judith
Dougan, Diana Lady
Duncan, Virginia
Eisenhower, Dr. Milton
Eller, Karl
Freeman, Neal
Friedlander, Paul
Gammino, Michael Jr.
Gaines, Gay Hart
George, Dr. Zelma W.
Gilbert, Lori
Gold, Victor
Gregg, Lucius P., Jr.
Gutin, Howard D.
Haas, Saul
Hackett, James T.
Halpern, Cheryl
Hanley, William Lee, Jr.
Hellreich, Miriam
Herndon, Lillie E.
Hobby, Oveta Culp
Horton, Winter D., Jr.
Hostetter, Amos B., Jr.
Hughes, Joseph D.
Husock, Howard
Im, Kathy
Kaiser, Lloyd E.
Kelley, Michael R.
Killian, James R.
Kristol, Irving
Landau, Sonia
Leinsdorf, Erich
Mandell, Robert A.
Moore, Thomas W.
Nelsen, Brent
Nolan, Kathleen
O'Connor, Harry
Pace, Frank, Jr.
Prosperi, David P.
Pryor, David
Puig, Claudia
Purvis, Archie C.
Ramer, Bruce M.
Reed, Clyde M.
Rivera, Jose A.
Rockefeller, John D. III
Rockefeller, Sharon Percy
Roll, Charles W.
Sagner, Alan
Sanders, Carl E.
Santarelli, Donald
Schooley, Frank
Schulman, Heidi H.
Sorenson, Gillian M.
Tate, Sheila
Terrazas, Louis P.
Tomlinson, Kenneth Y.
Towery, R. Kenneth
Turner, Marshall C. Jr.
Valenti, Jack
Wallis, W. Allen
White, Howard
Whitney, John Hay
Wilson III, Ernest J.
Wrather, Jack