Since 1968, CPB has been the steward of the federal government's investment in public broadcasting and the largest single source of funding for public radio, television, and related online and mobile services. CPB funding is the “public” foundation of our nation’s public-private public media partnership.
By statute, more than 70% of CPB's annual federal appropriation goes directly to more than 1,500 local public media stations, and less than 5% is allocated to CPB administrative costs. In FY 2023, CPB Community Service Grants made up just 10.6% of the average public television station's total revenue and 6.0% of the average public radio station’s revenue. Public media stations leverage CPB funding many times over with funding from state and local governments, universities, businesses, foundations and individual viewers and listeners.

Federal Appropriation
CPB distributes its appropriation in accordance with a statutory formula outlined in the Public Broadcasting Act. Ninety-five percent of CPB's appropriation goes directly to content development, community services, and other local station and system needs.
Current Requests.
Operating Budget
The Operating Budget follows statutory obligations, past board decisions, and precedents set forth by prior contractual commitments
Business Plan
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting's (CPB) annual business planning cycle has three stages: a review of the Corporation's Goals and Objectives, approval of the operating budget, and endorsement of the Business Plan.
Funding By State
Grants and Allocations by Fiscal Year, by State.
Audited Financial Statements
Combined Financial Statements.
- Fiscal Year 2023 232KB
- Fiscal Year 2022 225KB
- Fiscal Year 2021 983KB
- Fiscal Year 2020 225KB
- Fiscal Year 2019 337KB
COVID-19 Stabilization Funding
- FY 2021 American Rescue Plan
Act 422KB
- System Message 173KB
- FAQs 221KB
- FY 2020 CARES Act Stabilization Funding 371KB