Wednesday, December 1, 2021
That the Board of Directors
of the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Expresses Its Deep Gratitude and Appreciation to
Beth Courtney
Executive Producer, Louisiana Public Broadcasting, 1976-1985
President and CEO, Louisiana Public Broadcasting, 1985-2022
Member, CPB Board of Directors, 2003-2010
Vice Chair, CPB Board of Directors, 2008-2010
As Beth Courtney prepares to retire from a long and distinguished career in public broadcasting, the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting recognizes her extraordinary record of service and achievement.
The longtime leader of Louisiana Public Broadcasting (LPB), Beth Courtney became one of the first women to achieve national leadership in broadcasting. Under her leadership, LPB has grown from a single television station in Baton Rouge to a statewide network of seven stations, all committed to educational, cultural, and historical television programming, website development, and digital streaming. She led the production of multiple award-winning documentaries, and created and hosted the longest-running weekly news and public affairs television show Louisiana: The State We’re In.
During her years of distinguished service on the CPB Board, the board of PBS, and the board of America’s Public Television Stations, Beth eloquently presented the views of the public television station community. As vice chair of the CPB Board, she championed and advanced public media’s mission of providing educational content and services to communities across the country and worked to strengthen the public broadcasting system.
Beth Courtney has been a passionate advocate for public broadcasting for more than 45 years. We mark the end of her exemplary service in public broadcasting with respect, admiration, and gratitude, and wish her well in retirement.