Bias Programming at NPR

I have been an advid listener and supporter of NPR since 1987. Over the years it has been disheartening to see the downfall of such a substantive and meaningful programming outlet, watching NPR become a far-left leaning liberal propaganda machine, now that you have appointed Katherine Maher as your leader/director, I cannot listen to my once most valued source of news. Over the last few years, I have found myself walking over to the radio to turn off your station, just because the outrageous portrayal of various issues has been over the top. Now with the further movement to the left under Ms Maher's control, I see the end must come to my decades long allegiance to NPR. Perhaps someone at CPB will step back and realize that you are hemorrhaging moderate listeners. Please consider terminating Katherine Maher and her most radical ideas. PS, I will continue to support PBS and their TV programming.
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April, 2024